
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Can TikTok become the next best educational

According to a 2022 survey conducted by the online learning platform, one in four TikTok users in the US employ the platform for educational pursuits, with history emerging as one of the most popular subjects.Among these educators is Kahlil Greene, known as Gen Z Historian on TikTok. 

In 2021, while completing his senior year at Yale University, Greene posted videos addressing the "significant whitewashing that occurs" during Martin Luther King Jr Day. He highlighted quotes from the civil rights leader that reflected his radical perspectives on race and class.

Encouraged by the enthusiastic response, Greene introduced a series titled "hidden history," delving into lesser-known episodes from the nation's past. 

This includes unveiling the nativist origins of the Pledge of Allegiance and exposing the disturbing practice of "human zoos" that showcased people of colour for the amusement of white audiences. I've always seen my work as filling the gaps within the US education system," Greene told CNN. The manner in which history is taught in US public schools can substantially differ from one state to another.

Despite these challenges, educators believe that imparting such knowledge remains essential. Ernest Crim III, a former high school history teacher who now creates educational content on TikTok emphasised that this information is crucial for students.

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